Agenda for 19.10.2022
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the above-named council, which will be held at The Keals Village Hall, West Keal on Wednesday 19th October 2022 at 7.00 pm.
Public and press are welcome to attend.
Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to the business below for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to the council.
s- kulwicki- Parish clerk
Sarah Kulwicki. 18. Old Boston Road, Coningsby, Lincoln, LN44SZ
01526 344615 or 07919468123
1. Chairman’s Remarks
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act
4. The notes from the council meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 28th September 2022 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
5. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Village Hall (Oct) - £15.00
6. To approve councils budget and precept for 2023-2024
7. To note general correspondence
8. To note all planning applications
9. Christmas event 2022 – Date Saturday 10th December?
10. Phone Box’s – Councillor Roughton
11. Warm spaces – Councillor Watson
12. Highways matters – Any problems to report
13. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor
14. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 7th December 2022 at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm.
15. To confirm the meeting dates for 2023:
Wednesday 4th January 2023
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Wednesday 10th May 2023
Wednesday 7th June 2023
Wednesday 9th August 2023
Wednesday 6th September 2023
Wednesday 11th October 2023
Wednesday 6th December
16. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda