Notes from 8th December 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8th December 2021 at 7:00pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: With councillor Moody in the Chair there were present councillor(s) Rowntree, Watson, Hepworth and Lacey.
Public: There were 2 members of public present.
Absent: Councillor Rickard and County Councillor Gray.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00pm.
Public forum- None.
1. Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming. He informed the council that the liaison from Balfour Beatty won’t be able to make this meeting but she is hoping to attend the next one.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – None received. The clerk informed the council that District councillor Jim Swanson has sadly passed away. The council asked the clerk to send a card/ letter of condolence to his family. County councillor William Grey sent his apologies.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None. The chairman asked if the councillors do have any to please raise them at any time.
4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 11th September 2021 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Hepworth and Seconded by Councillor Lacey and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Village Hall (Dec) - £16.00
b) Inkonomical Newsletter - £109.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Watson and Seconded by Councillor Hepworth and RESOLVED by all that the payments be approved and duly paid.
6. To note general correspondence – The clerk told the council that she had received the Wolds facilities guide and asked if the council wanted to add anything to the West Keal and Keal Cotes inclusion. It was suggested to add fishing and toilets. Councillor Moody told the council he had received a letter of complain which he read out to the council, unfortunately is was signed anonymous so the council are unable to act on it.
7. The co-option of potential candidate’s present – A member of public registered their interest at the last council meeting and at this council meeting.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Hepworth and RESOLVED by all that Helen Tily be co-opted on to the council.
8. To note all planning applications – There where none.
9. Update on Christmas event for 11th December- Councillor Lacey made it clear he did not like the way the poster for the event had been made as it did not use full titles i.e. Councillor …. Councillor Moody asked the council for clarification on who would be doing what at the event and informed the council of what he has managed to arrange. Councillor Hepworth booked the hall, Councillor Lacey arranged for reindeer to be present free of charge and included a name the young reindeer comp with prize. Councillor Rowntree donated prizes for the raffle and Councillor Watson agreed to put the event on facebook and contract a local radio station.
10. Highways matters:
a) Councillor Rowntree told the council that Fen Road is still problem.
b) Councillor Lacey told the council there are still potholes on Back Lane.
c) Councillor Moody told the council that he had managed to arrange a meeting with the county councillor and a highways officer in the new year. Councillor Hepworth and Rowntree will be in attendance as well as councillor Moody. They have agreed to compile a list of problem areas.
d) Councillor Tily informed the council that the Laybys on the A16 are being used to dump waste into from people in caravans.
e) A member of public told the council he has made the noticeboard which was made from donations from Wicks and Buildbase. He told the council that it will hopefully be completed over Christmas as he just needs to add some wood stain to it. The council thanked him for all his efforts.
11. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council – Councillor W. Gray was not present, and no report was given.
b) District council – No Report.
c) Village hall committee – Councillor Hepworth told the council that a new shed has been installed at the village hall.
d) Footpaths – Councillor M. Rickard was not present she emailed the clerk with an enquiry regarding the footpath going through the churchyard and its maintenance. The council asked that she contact LCC who maintain footpaths to see what they can do.
e) West Keal Parish Charities Trust – Councillor Hepworth told the council he had not cashed the cheque paid to him at the last meeting as he wanted it clarified that the money for this would come out of the income from the triangle field. The council confirmed this. The income from the field is being set aside for the charities trust which will be paid to the account once Councillor Hepworth has updated the mandate. He handed over the documents to the clerk and asked if she could do this again as the last mandate was not processed as they needed extra information which wasn’t provided.
f) Triangle field – The land rental is going well, and the second payment of rent has been received.
12. To confirm the meeting dates for 2022:
Wednesday 5th January 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 09th March 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 18th May 2022 –APM at 7:00pm and AGM at 7:30pm
Wednesday 15th June 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 17th August 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 28th September 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 19th October 2022 7:00pm
Wednesday 7th December 2022 7:00pm
13. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 5th January 2022 which will be held at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm
14. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda – Councillor Tily asked that a report on the Christmas event be added to the next agenda.
15. To resolve to move into closed session – Under public bodies (admission to meet) Act 1960 and the local government act 1972, ss 100 and 102.
a) Clerk salary
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Hepworth and RESOLVED by all that the clerk wage be increased.
b) To approve and discuss council budget for 2022-2023 (see attached) and precept amount to be applied for
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Moody and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree and RESOLVED by all that the ring-fenced funds for charging points and speed camera be dissolved and used in council funds rather than be set aside.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Lacey and Seconded by Councillor Hepworth and RESOLVED by all a precept of £3950.00 be applied for.
Signed by Chairman: ………………………………0005.01.2022