Mins from 11th August 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 11th August 2021 at 7:30pm following the annual parish meeting in The Keals village hall.
Present: With Councillor Moody in the Chair there were also present councillor(s) Rowntree, Watson, Hepworth and Lacey. County councillor William Grey and District Councillor Jim Swanson.
Public: There were 2 members of public present.
Absent: Councillor Rickard.
1. Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from councillor Rickard.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – There were none.
4. The notes from the Annual meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 5th May 2021 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Watson and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Zurich - £183.08 (paid)
b) Inkonomical - £95.00 (paid)
c) Witham Fourth Drainage board - £5.87
d) Lincolnshire Field path donation - £5.00
e) RBL Poppy for 2020 as unpaid - £21.00
f) Village Hall (August) - £17.50est
It was:-
Proposed by Councillor Moody and Seconded by Councillor Hepwoth and RESOLVED by all that the payments are approved and be duly paid.
6. To note general correspondence
a) The council congratulated the clerk on passing her CiLCA qualification.
b) Councillors Lacey and Rowntree reported to the council that they felt they had not been consulted enough in regards to the letting of the triangle field. The clerk informed them all actions taken by the council had been communicated to them and approval had been given by the council.
c) A complaint against the chairman has been received, the clerk will pass the complaint onto the monitoring officer.
d) The clerk was also asked to represent the council and report an incident to the Police in which the chairman was involved in.
e) Councillor Rowntree told the council that someone had reported him for crossing the road to cut the verges on his lawn mower. He would like to make the council aware that this was all legal as the equipment used is road legal.
7. The co-option of potential candidate’s present – There were none.
8. To note all planning applications – Nothing recent to bring to the council attention.
9. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor Lacey reported pot hole on Hagnaby Lane and Back Lane.
b) Fen road is still a major issues. The clerk was asked to email Highways responses to this issue to county councillor Grey.
10. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray introduced himself and gave the council some information about himself. He is currently on 4 committees in the county council which are housing, health and care, Public protection, children and young people scrutiny and Lincolnshire health and wellbeing. He is also a district councillor within the Roughton ward. He told the council that the county council are very keen for people to be double vaccinated against COVID. The county council are also promoting cycling and are doing a cycling incentive. He told the council that the collection museum in Lincoln and the usher art gallery will remain open with Lincoln City councils help. He told the council that the county council are providing litter picking equipment for those who are interested and as from 1st September you will no longer need to book in order to use the local household waste and recycling centres.
b) District Council - Councillor J. Swanson told the council that the e-messenger should be used by the council as it hold all relevant updates from ELDC. He warned the council that the government are trying to re-form the way people currently comment on planning applications excluding the need for public participation. He told the council that South Holland district council have approached ELDC and BB in order to join the current strategic alliance.
c) Village Hall Committee - Councillor J. Hepworth told the council that the committee has had a resignation of one of their members but the vacancy was filled quite quickly. The hall has been re decorated and with the grants received due to COVID and the closure of the hall it has put them in a good place financially. There will be a Quiz evening and cake and coffee morning in the next couple of weeks.
d) Footpaths - Councillor M. Rickard reported some faults via email before the meeting which the clerk has reported on fix my street.
e) West Keal Parish Charities Trustees - Councillor J. Hepworth told the council that the income from the rent of the land will be very helpful. The clerk asked councillor Hepworth to get In touch with the bank in order to issue the mandate required to add/ change signatories.
f) Triangle Field – Councillor J. Rowntree resigned from looking after the field as it is now being leased.
11. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 8th September 2021 which will be held at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm
12. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) Councillor Swanson told the council that trees are being offered to public spaces but the council informed him that they have nowhere suitable to put them at this time.
b) Councillor Watson told the council that she has been doing a petition to get the speed limit reduced in the village. She has had a lot of positive feedback from parishioners and has sent the petition to ELDC and LCC. She has also started an e-petition so more people can be reached. She has asked the council that it be put in the next newsletter. The council thanked councillor Watson for all her efforts.
The meeting closed at 9:03pm
Signed by chairman: …………………..0008.09.21