Minutes from 17.08.2022
Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 17th August 2022 at 7:00pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: With councillor Watson in the Chair there were present councillor(s) Lacey, Moody and Tily.
Public: There were 3 members of public present.
Absent: Councillor Rowntree. District Councillor T. Taylor and County councillor Grey.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00pm.
Public forum:
A member of public present raised an interest in becoming a Councillor. Another member of public handed over some signatures she has gathered from locals regarding the speeding and traffic in the villages; she told the council about reactive speed signs and asked if the council has considered purchasing one. The council informed her that it has been discussed previously and the clerk was asked to speak with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to see if it would now be an option for the parish as they can now install poles rather than using what is all ready in the parish as these do not meet the requirements. Another member of public present offered to help put up/ take down the reactive speed sign if one was purchased.
1) Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcomed all present and thanked them for coming.
2) Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Rowntree and M. Rickard.
3) Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
4) The notes from the council meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 25th May 2022 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Lacey and seconded by Councillor Tily and RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the chairman.
5) The co-option of potential candidates present – Council had 3 registered interests for the 2 councillor positions. (See closed session)
6) Notice boards – Handover of key to a nominated councillor
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Lacey and seconded by Councillor Tily and RESOLVED that this item be moved to the next meeting when all councillors are present.
7) To approve payment of accounts: -
a. HMRC PAYE- June/July/Aug/Sept - £48.40
b. Village Hall (August) - £10.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Moody and seconded by Councillor Lacey and RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a true record and signed by the chairman.
8) To note general correspondence – The clerk told the council that this is all done via email. The clerk asked if the council had read the email from the auditors which asked if the council still want to be included in the audit process.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Moody and seconded by Councillor Tily and RESOLVED that the council continue as it is.
9) To note all planning applications – Councillor Moody told the council that Inchmarlo’s application is still outstanding.
10) CSW training – The clerk was asked to arrange a date for this asap so it could be added to the next newsletter before it is published. Councillor Lacey was against using the CSW speed gun as there are too many risks involved.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Watson and seconded by Councillor Tily and RESOLVED that the clerk arrange training and put in the newsletter to get people interested but if no one comes forward then the equipment could be put up for sale.
11) Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor Watson wanted to make the council aware that a drone had been spotted in the area.
b) Councillor Rickard reported via email, as a member of the public, that hedge on Church Lane is very overgrown.
c) Councillor Tily told the council that the dykes along the laybys had been scraped and cleared. Councillor Tily has asked the environmental enforcement officer to attend the site and suggest ways in which it could be improved, to help reduce littering and pollution of the area. The clerk was also asked to contact them and ask for advice on behalf of the council.
d) Councillor Lacey reported the pot holes on Hagnaby Lane bends.
12) To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray sent his report via email.
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor was not present, no report given.
13) Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 28th September 2022 at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm. Councillor Tily sent her apologies as she will not be able to attend this meeting.
14) Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda – None. Councillor Moody suggested that the new councillors attend the new councillor training provided by LALC.
15) To Resolve to move into closed session - Under the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960 and the Local Government Act 1972, ss 100 and 102
Council voted on the potential candidates by show of hands.
It was: -
Proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that M. Richard and J. Roughton be co-opted on to the council and complete the necessary paperwork at their earliest convenience.
The meeting closed at 8:17pm
Signed by Chairman: ………………………………..0028.09.2022