Minutes from 19.10.2022
Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 19th October 2022 at 7:00pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: With councillor Watson in the Chair there were present councillor(s) Lacey, Moody, Roughton, Tily, Rowntree and Rickard. County Councillor William Grey.
Public: There was one member of public present.
Absent: District councillor Terry Taylor.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:00pm.
Public forum:
The member of public present understands that public can only talk during the public forum and suggested that the council make sure members have the opportunity to talk at the end of the meeting in case they have any question or queries about what was discussed.
1. Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – District Councillor Terry Taylor sent his apologies as he has another meeting to attend.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
4. The notes from the council meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 28th September 2022 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that the minutes be approved and signed by the chairman.
5. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Village Hall (Oct) - £15.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rickard and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED that the above payment be approved and duly paid.
6. To approve council’s budget and precept for 2023-2024
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Lacey and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree and RESOLVED by all that the budget be approved and a precept of £4,345.00 be applied for.
7. To note general correspondence – All done via email.
8. To note all planning applications – Councillor Rowntree told the council that someone had contacted him in regard to the inchmarlow application informing him that they had been refused as its on a flood plain and asked if he knew what the procedure was for them. He told the council that he referred the applicant to ELDC planning department.
9. Christmas event 2022 – Date Saturday 10th December from 9am- 3pm. The clerk was asked to book the hall and get a price for a banner to be erected on the village hall fencing. Councillor Rickard offered to make posters for the clerk to print due to ink costs. Councillor Rickard is also going to advertise in the Grape vine and add it to the council’s newsletter. Councillor Watson is going to speak with local school, shops, and radio stations to see if it can be advertised there. She will also advertise on social media. Councillor Lacey has arranged for a reindeer to be present for the event.
10. Phone Box’s – Councillor Roughton asked whom owned the phone boxes and the parish council confirmed that they are owned by the parish council. She asked if it would be possible to clean and clear the information point one as it is very dirty and overgrown with weeds. The clerk was asked to check with insurance is she can go out and do the works as she is working on the roadside. The clerk told the council that this is ok to do as a volunteer, but council want confirmation from their insurance provider. The clerk asked if one of the councillors could go down and check the defib in the other phone box as it may be due for parts, Councillor Moody agreed to do this.
11. Warm spaces – Councillor Watson has said that this is something the councils and local groups are still discussing. Councillor Lacey didn’t see it would be of benefit in a smaller area and would work better in towns. Councillor Rowntree told the council that here would be lots to consider for example the costs and getting the volunteers. Councillor Watson will keep the council updated.
12. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor Rowntree told the council Fen Road is still a major problem and nothing has been done.
b) Councillor Roughton told the council that the path near the phone box needs cutting
c) Councillor Roughton report the fields near the phone box needs cutting back and tidying up. The council discussed this but as its someone’s private property there isn’t anything the council can do.
d) Councillor Moody told the council that the Dowling wind farm is under consultation, and he informed councillor Grey that he did not want it to come through this parish as the area already has Viking link. Councillor Grey asked that he lobby the MP as that is a national infrastructure project and the council would be consulted appropriately at the right time.
13. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray told the council he has passed on the town and parish newsletter. He highlighted some of the events going on in the area.
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor was not present and had nothing new to report.
14. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 7th December 2022 at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm.
15. To confirm the meeting dates for 2023:
Wednesday 4th January 2023
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Wednesday 10th May 2023
Wednesday 7th June 2023
Wednesday 9th August 2023
Wednesday 6th September 2023
Wednesday 11th October 2023
Wednesday 6th December
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rickard and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that the dates be approved.
16. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) The noticeboards key – the clerk was asked to check the box handed to her by a previous councillor to see if they key was inside.
The meeting closed at 8:45pm
Signed by chairman:…………………………….. 0007.12.2022