Minutes from 8th March 2023
Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 7:00pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: With councillor Watson in the Chair there were present councillor(s) Lacey, Roughton, Rowntree and Rickard. County Councillor William Grey.
Public: There were 5 members of public present.
Absent: Councillor Moody and District Councillor Terry Taylor.
Public forum:
A representative of the keals community group attended the meeting and told the council about some of the events they have going on and told the council they would love to see them come along to the events as the main aim of the group is to bring people together, to have more community support. The council thanked the group for all the effort.
The chairman declared the meeting open at 7:11pm.
1. Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcome all present.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Appologies received and accepted from Councillor Moody.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 4th January 2023 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. The co-option of any potential candidate present
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that Steve Thompson be co-opted on to the council.
6. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Donation to church group - £248.85 (paid) – Christmas event funded
b) LALC Subs - £144.23
c) ICO - Data Protection fee - £40.00
d) Village Hall March - £20.00
e) LCC – Posts - £600.00
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Watson and Seconded by Councillor Lacey and RESOLVED that the above payment be approved and duly paid.
f) Purchase of reactive signs to be confirmed, posts have been installed. 3 Quotes where circled to the council.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rickard and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED that x2 speed signs be purchased from Elan City for £5,160.00.
7. To note general correspondence
a) The clerk told the council that she had managed to add herself as a signatory to the west keal parish charities account.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED that the current chairman be added. (after May elections)
b) Councillor Watson reported that she had been approached by a member of public who made a complaint about the fencing in the triangle field. Councillor Rowntree told her that the issue is between the tenant and the person making the complaint.
8. To note all planning applications – There were none.
9. Highways matters
a) Village gates – Approval has been given to install gates at West Keal. Councillor Roughton told the council that they met at Keal Cotes too and approval was given verbally for that site as well.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Roughton and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree and RESOLVED that the structure agreement be completed for Keal Cotes and Councillor Rowntree will make 2 sets, hopefully with the help of Councillor Thompson.
b) Councillor Rowntree raised concerns again with Fen Road as it is still in very poor condition with no action being taken. Councillor Rowntree told the council that he has been reporting this road for 15 years and still no improvements have been made. Councillor Grey told the council that unfortunately this is very common and may eventually lead to the road being closed. Councillor Grey agreed to highlight the issues with Layla Harding at Highways and discuss possible solutions.
c) Councillor Rickard reported that the bus guard rail has still not been replaced and a local petition has been started to try and get the bus stop moved to a safer, more suitable area. Councillor Grey agreed to investigate this further.
10. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray has sent his report via email to the council. He highlighted a few of the items. LCC are looking for host families for refugees from the Ukraine. He highlighted some of the spending areas for 2023/2024 budget and told the council that the good citizens award for 2023 is now taking nominations.
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor was not present.
11. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 10th May 2023 at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm this will be the annual parish meeting and the annual council meeting will be at 7:30pm.
12. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) Councillor Roughton informed the council that she has now attended one of the village hall committee meetings after she agreed to be a representative for the council. She told the council that their health and safety and fire saftey protocols need attention. The clerk was asked to write a letter to the committee addressing the councils concerns for users of the hall without these issues being addressed.
The meeting closed at 8:40pm
Signed by Chairman: 0010.05.2023