Minutes from 07.06.2023
Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 7th June 2023 at 7:00pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: Councillors A. Watson (Chairman) J. Rowntree, J. Roughton, M. Rickard, M. Lacey and S. Thompson.
Clerk Sarah Kulwicki
Also present: 3 members of public
Public forum:
A representative from the keals community group told the council that the first wellbeing walk will be on the 14th June, 30mins in length and accessible to all. They also reported that tickets are available to come and see Horncastle choir perform in the hall.
The chairman from East Keal parish council told the council that he looks forwards to working closely between the parishes, particularly on speeding matters. He told the council that there is a newly appointed village hall representative from the council and that the council has 1 councillor vacancy which will be advertised in due course.
The meeting commenced at 7:10pm
1. Chairman’s Remarks – The chairman welcomed all present.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - District Councillor Terry Taylor sent his apologies and a report via email which was circulated to the council and County Councillor William Grey sent his apologies and a report via email.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
4. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman - The chairman told the council that they have received one quote for the planters and are still wating for more to come in as well as quotes for the newsletter. Councillor Rowntree told the council that the noticeboard is not reparable and needs replacing. The clerk was asked to get some quotes. Councillor Rowntree and Thompson offered to install.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that the notes be approved as minutes and signed by the chairman.
5. The co-option of any potential candidate present – None
6. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) Councillor Rowntree told the council that Fen Road has had some maintenance works carried out on the pot hole which he is grateful for.
b) Councillor Thompson has erected the reactive speed signs and he will download the data to see how effective they are.
c) Councillor Rowntree told the council that he has purchased the timber for the village gates which he is happy to pay for. He has started to make them with the help of Councillor Thompson and will bring a built one to the next meeting so the council can see them and decide on the paint work.
d) Councillor Roughton asked for an update on the surfacing around the phone box. The clerk will chase this.
7. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray sent a report via email.
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor sent a report via email.
8. To approve payment of accounts: -
a) Village Hall June - £20.00
b) Witham Fourth - £6.66
c) Parts for speed sign via Councillor Thompson - £42.96
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rickard and Seconded by Councillor Roughton and RESOLVED by all that the above payments be approved and duly paid.
9. To note general correspondence – A member of public emailed the council with concerns in regards to speeding and the location of the location of the new reactive speed signs. The clerk was asked to email the resident and inform them that the sites were chosen and approved by Highways and cannot be changed. Councillor Thompson told all that once they had been in place for a few weeks he will be able to retrieve the data to judge how affective they are.
10. To note all planning applications –
a) Ref: S/204/00500/23 – Fairholme Hagnaby Lane, Keal Cotes. Planning permission for the erection of a dwelling and detached garage. Existing bungalow to be removed. Full planning has been given.
b) Ref: S/204/00586/23 – Inchmarlo, Main Road, Keal Cotes. Planning permission for the erection of two holiday lodges. Planning permission has been refused.
11. Feedback from village hall representatives – Councillor Roughton was disappointed that the village hall committee failed to advertise/publicise the name change of the village hall. Councillor Roughton is hoping to become a key holder for the hall. Councillor Rickard told the council that a recent HSE review was carried out at the hall which has led to a variety of unanswered questions which will hopefully be addressed at their next meeting.
It was: -
Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Lacey and RESOLVED by all that the council would like the naming of the village hall to be The Cracroft Village Hall serving the Keals community. Councillors asked the village hall representatives to discuss this at there next meeting.
12. Triangle field – Discussion of land uses – Councillor Rowntree has put a new chain and lock on the field gates there are some issues with the boundary fencing which he himself and councillor Lacey will rectify to make the boundary stock proof. This will then enable the land to be leased if the council chooses to.
13. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 9th August 2023 at The Keals village hall at 7:00pm.
14. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) Report from Village hall
b) Community speed watch
The meeting closed at 8:15pm.