Minutes from 08.05.2024

Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 08th May 2024 at 7:30pm in the Keals village hall.
Present: Councillors A. Watson (Chairman), J. Roughton, J. Rowntree, M. Lacey, M. Rickard, District Councillor Terry Taylor and County Councillor William Grey. 
Clerk Sarah Kulwicki. 

Also present: 1 member of public 

Public forum: 
Councillor William Grey told the council that he has sent the council a brief report via email highlighting things going on in the council and local area. One of the items is the National Grid pylons and he told the council that LCC are having an independent report carried out on the proposed works and costing. He told the council that there is another public consultation underway which he will send the link to the clerk for. He told the council he has arranged a tour of the local area to discuss highways issues which will be taking place on the 16th May with the highways officer. The chairman offered to attend this meeting as well. 

1. Election of Chairman - signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr J. Rowntree, for Cllr Amy Watson to be the Chairman and Seconded by Cllr J. Roughton and Resolved. Cllr A. Watson signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 

2. Election of Vice Chairman - signing of declaration of acceptance of office.
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr M. Rickard, for Cllr Jules Roughton to be the Vice- chairman and Seconded by Cllr M. Lacey and Resolved. Cllr J. Roughton signed the declaration of acceptance of office. 

3. Apologies for absence and reasons given – Apologies received from Councillor Thomas. 

4. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None. 

5. The notes from the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 13th March 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman.
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr M. Rickard, Seconded by Cllr J. Roughton and Resolved for the notes to be approved and signed by the chairman.  

6. To co-opt any potential candidates, present – None. 

7. To approve payment of accounts: -  
a) Internal Audit - £ 45.00
b) Village Hall (May) - £20.00
c) Zurich Insurance - £257.15
d) HMRC - £9.40
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr J. Rickard and Seconded by Cllr J. Roughton and Resolved by all that the payments be approved and duly paid. 
8. To approve the NS&I new signatories forms 
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr M. Rickard and Seconded by Cllr M. Lacey and Resolved. That Cllrs, Roughton, Rickard, Lacey, Rowntree and Watson be added to the account. 

9. Audit of accounts – presentation of accounts – Internal auditor has done checks all cleared for approval of this Council

a) To approve the annual governance statement in the annual return 
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr M. Rickard and Seconded by Cllr M. Lacey and Resolved.

b) To approve the exemption certificate 
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr J. Rowntree and Seconded by Cllr M. Lacey and Resolved.

c) To confirm and approve the Accounting statements contained in the Annual Return .
It was:-  
Proposed by Cllr A.Watson and Seconded by Cllr J. Rowntree and Resolved.

10. To note general correspondence 
a) The clerk told the council she has received a complaint from the sectary of the keals village hall committee, on their behalf about a notice placed in the councils notice board to which they assumed the parish council has erected. The clerk has informed them that this notice was not erected by the parish council or on behalf of them. 

11. To note all planning applications
a) S/204/00453/24 - Planning Permission - Alterations to existing vehicular access. MILL FARM, BOSTON ROAD, WEST KEAL, LINCOLNSHIRE, PE23 4BD. – Application not received, council to check. 

12. Highways matters – Cllr Watson to attend meeting with highways on the 16th May to discuss local faults. 

13. Christmas event – Cllr Lacey offered to supply the animals to recreative a nativity barn scene around a manger. It was agreed for the date to be set as 14th December 2024 from 10am – 2pm providing the village hall is available. All fund’s donated from the event will go to charity. Cllr Rickard will put this in the newsletter. 

D-Day commemorations will be held at the church with a lantern lighting ceremony at 9:15pm in line with the official lighting time. Light refreshments will be provided. 

14. Date of next meeting –Wednesday 5th June 2024, all meetings commence at 7:00 p.m. at Cracroft village hall West Keal.

15. Any other matters for discussion only or on the next agenda
a) Noticeboards – permissions 
Signed by chairman: 0005.06.2024