Minutes from 04.09.2024
Minutes of the council meeting held on Wednesday 04th September 2024 at 7:00pm in Cracroft village hall.
Present: Councillors A. Watson (Chairman), J. Roughton, M. Lacey, M. Rickard, P. Heaton and Paul Rennie. Clerk Sarah Kulwicki.
Also present: 2 members of public The meeting opened at 7:00pm
Public forum – None.
1. Chairman’s Remarks – None.
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given - Apologies received from Cllr John Rowntree.
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act – None.
4. The notes from the council meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2024 (attached) to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was:-
Proposed by Cllr J. Roughton Seconded by Cllr M. Rickard and Resolved for the notes to be approved and signed by the chairman, with 1 alteration.
5. Highways matters – Any problems to report
a) The clerk was asked to report nuisance parking on Main Road, West Keal.
b) Cllr Lacey report he was happy with the current condition of Green Lane.
c) Cllr discussed possible speed reduction methods and would like to get the CSW team up and running sooner rather than later.
6. To receive reports from representatives of outside bodies or local organisations
a) County Council - Councillor W. Gray – Not present, report sent via email.
b) District Council – Councillor Terry Taylor – Not present, no report given.
7. To approve payment of accounts: -
a. HMRC PAYE – Sept - £9.60
b. Village Hall August - £20.00
c. Inkonomical - £89.00
It was:-
Proposed by Cllr P. Rennie, Seconded by Cllr J. Roughton and Resolved for the payments to be approved and duly paid.
8. Christmas Event – Cllr Rickard told the council that she has made a poster which she will send to Cllr Rennie and she has put an advert in the newsletter. The council still need some volunteers for the event. Cllr Rennie will provide the music and the craft stall is going to try and put something together. There will also be games, refreshments and a live nativity.
9. Newsletter items for inclusion – Cllr Rickard told all that the next newsletter wont be until January, she will include a report from the Christmas event and ICAROS event being held locally.
10. Triangle Field – Ragwort – Cllr Rowntree is not present, so there are no current updates. Cllr Watson said she will go and assess the area and see what needs doing.
11. To note general correspondence – All sent via email, no new council requests.
12. To note all planning applications
a) The clerk was asked to contact enforcement about Mill Farm, Main Road, West Keal as some mains services have been installed without planning permission.
b) Inchmarlow, Main Road, West keal – installation of glamping pods without planning permission.
Response from enforcement: the landowner will use Shepherd huts and Glamping pods that are likely to be placed on the land , these are classed as caravans in law. The legal definition of a caravan is as follows....
...any structure designed or adapted for human habitation which is capable of being moved from one place to another (whether by being towed, or by being transported on a motor vehicle or trailer) and any motor vehicle so designed or adapted.
Guidance issued by Natural England for certified exempted sites suggests that 'any site should not be used for more than 42 consecutive days or 60 days in any 12 consecutive months' but this is guidance only and many sites stay open throughout the year with touring caravans coming and going
Some of the works that have been carried out on site do not appear to be in line with exempted organisations usual advice to their customers relating to buildings especially, but it is common for certified sites to add track and a small amount of hard standing in order to improve the ground conditions within the camping area. This is often considered by local authorities as de minimis.
I have asked that the site is not used until it has a licence and I have asked that no further development takes place on the site as I have to consider what if anything should be done about buildings on the site that are not lawful , I have also asked that the tracks that have been laid are soiled and grass seeded and to cover the hardstanding areas for the Glamping pod with wood-chip.
The main reason for the track is for the agricultural use of the land providing safe access to the bees, fruit trees and hay field on the wider land .
13. Date of next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for 2nd October 2024 at Cracroft village hall at 7:00pm.
14. Any other matters for inclusion on the next agenda
a) Social Media Policy
b) Phone box Perspex
The meeting closed at 8:14pm
Signed by chairman:0002.10.2024